If you do not request exclusion from the Settlement but believe the proposed Settlement is unfair or inadequate in any respect, you may object to the Settlement by filing a written objection with the Court and mailing a copy of your written objection to the Settlement Administrator. All objections must be signed and include your address, telephone number, and the name of the Litigation. Your objection should clearly explain why you object to the proposed Settlement and must state whether you or someone on your behalf intends to appear at the Final Approval Hearing. All objections must be filed with the Court, received by the Settlement Administrator, and postmarked by no later than April 30, 2023 (If you were sent a Corrective Notice, the deadlines to ask to be excluded and to submit an objection have been extended to May 19, 2023). If you submit a timely objection, you may appear, at your own expense, at the Final Approval Hearing, discussed in the Notice. Any Settlement Class Member who does not object in the manner described above shall be deemed to have waived any objections and shall forever be foreclosed from objecting to the fairness or adequacy of the proposed Settlement, the payment of attorneys’ fees, litigation costs, the Court-approved service payments, the claims process, and any and all other aspects of the Settlement. Likewise, regardless of whether you attempt to file an objection, you will be deemed to have released all of the Released Claims unless you request exclusion from the Settlement.